Yes and no, depending on which camp you reside. There are two big teams the quantifiers and the intuitive (I just made those terms but they do reflect the general attitude). Quantifiers are firm supporters of the tracking and measurement of any metric that can be tracked and collected. Intuitives are a more mixed crowd believing in the analysis of data through human intuition. The truth probably lies in the middle and as many things in this messy profession it is very relative. It depends on the project the team is working, on the perceived on real complexity and the metrics that are gathered. Different businesses focus on different KPIs and these can reveal a picture of the changes throughout a design journey. But many times these KPIs are not easily attributed to a small change. A complex business has many interlocking parts and identifying cause and effect or direct causation is a difficult process. To answer the question it really depends on a lot of factors. It is easy to detect/measure and attribute small changes but it gets progressively more difficult when complexity increases.
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About Dimitrios Stamatis
I am a designer of physical and digital products with a background in industrial design and visual communication. I have worked in design consultancies in London, China, and Greece. I strive to design products, services, and experiences that address pressing human needs by enabling change, challenging preconceptions and shifting paradigms. I like to prototype possibilities, simplify complexities and bring the future a little closer. I am fascinated by human behavior (mostly the irrational side) and I like to question a lot.