Ah, the mistakes come partly because of the excitement to design their first interface and the rush to throw in all the elements they read about into it. We get it, everyone is excited to design their very first interface. Some of the common mistakes seen are:
- Improper use of colours and fonts
- Randomly placing buttons within the interface without a clue on the functionality of it.
- Ignoring white space. They make the interface crowded with all sorts of elements which makes the UI clumsy and unusable.
- Random icons and illustrations combined with text which sometimes don’t make any sense.
- Jumping into UI without understanding the structure and information architecture; results in clutter and an absolute mess.
- Layouts go for a toss. Without paying attention to layout styles and grids, they haphazardly place all the information together, resulting in a clumsy UI.
- In the excitement to try something different without knowing how the final result will look like; like using a randomly coloured gradient, jazzy colours and fonts, heavy illustrations, and unusual icons and imagery.
- The main mistake we come across always is that adrenaline rush to get into UI without doing the groundwork. Research, read style guides, understand user and client needs and the most important, sketching and ideating as much as possible; these all need to be done before even thinking about the design.