While the terms “UX/UI Designer” and “Web Designer” are used interchangeably, they are often the same, or very different, depending on the company and the roles that the individual will have and projects that he will operate on there.
A web designer will have the tasks of creating interactive and appealing user interfaces adhering to the latest design trends and principles. Of course, designing web sites, mobile UI’s, perhaps game UI’s and various similar project that would mean employing designing skills for interactive devices, or screens. As a designer for “screens” the web designer must have integrated principles of design and know how users interact with the said devices.
A UX/UI designer also has tasks of creating interactive and appealing user interfaces. So, what could be the difference? Well, with the evolution of the web and appearance of Web 2.0 and the semantic Internet, people in the industry decided fancy screens and banners just would not do the trick and that something more complete and meaningful should be implemented. Here comes the trick to the term UX/UI: while they also design for “screens” they design for the people first. It is the job of the UX/UI designer to interview and gather data from the market and consumers to make analytical research to get the best possible results and inputs that will go into creating the design. Whether that be reports, interviews, CTA or conducting wireframes, that data and research is invaluable and differentiates professionals from amateurs.