To communicate the UX value proposition you have to understand a few things about the business world. Since businesses are focused on hard data you will need to be able to provide cases of measurable positive value provided by UX inputs. This can be in the form of past work or through sourcing real-life examples and metrics from design-driven companies, studies, and reports. Communicating the value of design used to be much harder but nowadays there are more and more examples of design-led companies so it is easy to find comparative data. Ultimately you have to be able to talk the same language with the organizational stakeholders if you want to communicate with them. It is easier to find common grounds instead of convincing people. The ultimate golden pass is to establish a business goal that is well understood by the stakeholders and then showcase how you can improve it through design.
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About Dimitrios Stamatis
I am a designer of physical and digital products with a background in industrial design and visual communication. I have worked in design consultancies in London, China, and Greece. I strive to design products, services, and experiences that address pressing human needs by enabling change, challenging preconceptions and shifting paradigms. I like to prototype possibilities, simplify complexities and bring the future a little closer. I am fascinated by human behavior (mostly the irrational side) and I like to question a lot.