UX is fundamentally the design of user experiences. Since users are humans gaining a deeper understanding on how we think, tick and thrive is hugely important. Psychology and Cognitive Science are two established and respected disciplines with a long-lasting tradition in doing just that, trying to understand human thought and behaviour. The mountains of scientific studies attest to that, and many insights have been applied directly applied to every dimension that is applicable to humans. As a UX designer, you can gain valuable knowledge through the selective study of both fields. Learning about the limitations of our cognition, our biases and capabilities, instincts, motivations and behaviour can have a direct impact on the crafting of impactful experiences and interactions. Learning about the applicable parts of Cognitive sciences and Psychology should be part of your toolbox, maintain a broad interest in topics and engage deeper when necessary.

About Dimitrios Stamatis
I am a designer of physical and digital products with a background in industrial design and visual communication. I have worked in design consultancies in London, China, and Greece. I strive to design products, services, and experiences that address pressing human needs by enabling change, challenging preconceptions and shifting paradigms. I like to prototype possibilities, simplify complexities and bring the future a little closer. I am fascinated by human behavior (mostly the irrational side) and I like to question a lot.